Family planning in MS: Treatment considerations and management
Join us from 17:00–18:00 • CET on Tuesday 10th December 2019
Biogen is delighted to invite you to the next interactive
webinar of our MSWebs series,
dedicated to family planning in multiple sclerosis (MS). During this one hour session,
recognised neurologists and family planning experts, Professor Kerstin Hellwig and Professor
Maria Houtchens will discuss the latest recommendations, treatment considerations and
management strategies for persons with MS who are planning a family. You will have the
opportunity to interact with our expert faculty via live Q&A chat sessions.
Treating MS patients who are planning a family requires consideration of many factors such
as the natural course of MS during pregnancy, relapses during pregnancy, the impact of
disease-modifying therapies on the fetus, postpartum advice including breastfeeding and
information about assisted reproduction techniques.1
Physicians need to be fully aware of
the current reccomendations to face these relevant issues, and appropriately counsel their
patients who are planning a family.
Biogen invites you to take an active part in this interactive educational forum, by discussing
challenges encountered in your daily practice, and by sharing your own clinical experience.
About the speakers

Professor Kerstin Hellwig
Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
Kerstin Hellwig is a senior consultant at St. Josef Hospital,
Bochum, Germany, specialising in MS and neuroimmunology.
Her scientific interests are mainly clinical, with a special
interest in the field of MS and family planning. Since 2006, she
has initiated and maintained the German-speaking MS and
pregnancy registry (DMSKW), and has published multiple peerreviewed manuscripts.
Associate Professor Maria Houtchens
Harvard University, Boston, USA
Maria Houtchens is a neurologist at the Brigham and Women’s
Hospital, and a Director of Women’s Health Program at Ann
Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases/Partners MS Center.
She is well known nationally and internationally for her work on
women’s health, and has published numerous research and
review articles on the subject of pregnancy management and
women’s health in multiple sclerosis.

1. Coyle PK. Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2016;9:198-210.